Thursday 20 September 2012

the title: Why Do We Pray?

Today is  my impromptu speech turn. So yeah, I thought it'll be a one-to-one session with my lecturer like the several previous session batches of my classmates. But guess what, it wasn't. And yeah, the thought that I have to speak (deliver a speech) in front of people started to freak me out. I'm not an excellence speaker that has all the gut and confidence to speak in front of people, I'm just an ordinary people that will be shivering when I'm so nervous. 

Not to say that I'm a fluent English speaker, but when I start to stand in front of people, with all eyes on me, I started to become blur and then, here it goes, multiple glaring mistakes of grammar flow out from my mouth at the time of speaking. I feel so silly and asking myself "What's wrong with you? You can speak English non-stop with your sister, and then, how come now, you can't speak English in front of them?". I'm clueless...

However, the best part of all the time is the title that I've got for my speech.... "Why do We Pray?" which I don't expected at all. Hurm, that title actually very spiritual and personal to me, so yeah, when I need to speak about it in front of the class, it kinds of Awkward.

<TO BE CONTINUED, the time has jealousy issues with me, here.

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