Saturday 25 August 2012

My 19th Year on Earth...

My 19th year on the Earth soon will be finished and replaced by my 20th year on Earth. Yet, I have so many ambition and goals that still on the list and not in reality... hurm, sometimes, I look at myself on the mirror and says "Am I born to write my dreams only onto a piece of bare paper and not to make it reality? Am I a loser? Am I a quitter? Am I? Am I?"... There you have it, a thousand unresolved questions from a teenager. Only left 8-9 months before my upcoming 20th year on earth (uh, you know what I mean... the day when I was born into this wide world). List of thing that I must done during my 19th still clearly written and untouched with any remarks of DONE.

Okay, I can't write much. Time has been so jealous with the pleasure I have here. So yeah, gotta log-out and continue it soon.  

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