Tuesday 2 October 2012

Suddenly... when the midnight almost here.

Suddenly when the midnight is almost here, all the insecurities feeling and low self-esteem struck me. I don't know where those things come from, but I know that teenager tend to feel that why as they were force to get out from their childhood phases and walk into the life of adult (well it's not that bad and creepy, but still it's nothing to compared childhood).

Maybe, all these things are caused by the longing that I kept way too long in my heart and often deny it by acting so strong and nothing is wrong. The rock song that I listen right now, is making the feeling more obvious and not helping at all in cooling down all the feeling right here, right now. (BTW: The song is by Red-Pieces).

At home, when I see the faces of my beloved mom and dad, sister and twin... I feel so secure and lovely, grateful and fortunate for everything that I had and have in life. While many others don't have that kind of privileges. Some lost their mom or dad, cool brother or sister. But, me... I have everything. So, why should I complaint much?

Only ALLAH S.W.T can describe every little thing that happens in my heart now, things that not even myself can put to word. Often, I let the music say it all. Guess, I lost some crucial pieces of my soul and been thinking it way too frequent sometimes. Been missing somebody that I never meet and never know personally. Who is he? I don't know. Let ALLAH and time say it all. Doa is the important for every mu'min and Belief is the important key in Believing.

Hurm,enough with sad story for now. Just now, I take a personality test from a website called FunBrain while doing my creepy Grammar games.(and hey, maybe you can try some at here: They've got three parts. SOmetimes, it is fun to see what these apps developer have something to say about you. Some maybe real, but some may also based on false assumption. Moreover, people who taking the quiz may choose the answer that actually doesn't reflect themselves in real life or maybe, the answers were too narrow and not enough choices. So, sometimes the exact and precise answer can't be choose...

Well, I've got interesting result. I often get most of them when try for other personality quiz at another place and people describe me this way. But yeah, I don't like to be labelled and stick to the features like firmly. I'm just being me. That's more important: Here are mine:

Sis Kiera:
a straightforward, honest person
• a snacker (not sure, what does it mean with to eat snack maybe??)
• a creative person (some people called me artistic. well, I love anything about art)
• a leader
• a relaxed, informal person (I love the word =COOL <my fav word of all time)
• an intellectual
.a word person
• a cooperative person (well, when people are being cooperative and not fussy with me for sure)
• a shy person

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