Thursday 21 June 2012


Assalam or Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all of you. I'm Kiera Luvsis, (real life name..? let's keep it for now). And hey, how about yours? Really, nice to meet your acquaintance.
Born on 17th April 1993... So yeah, this year I'm 19. Another year coming, just add another number. Who am I? Hurm, basically I am a humanbeing like you. Okay... okay, no joke. How do I explain myself in phrase?
I'm a independent (indie) writer, novelist, musician,pianist, songstress-songwriter,journalist, video editor/maker and anything that related to my interest. Alright, just to make everything's clear... Independent here (according to what I actually means is that I work on my own or maybe some collaboration with my twin sister.
If you have a joy whenever your read my entries, please let me know by leaving some comments, so that we could have a friendly conversation.

By the way, if you find any grammar errors in my entries, please pardona me. And if it's bother you so much, please let me know, okay! Alright, it is nice to meet you. See ya!!! ~~~(^.^)~~~


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